May 30, 2024. 6:00 AM
It's inspiring to see the humanity in our county as our neighbors are working so hard to get their lives back in order. Some aren't waking up in their home because it's been destroyed. Many will wake up and continue to repair and rebuild their homes. Most just need a little extra help to get through this event. The outpouring of support and hands on work by our friends and neighbors, fellow Texans and our neighbors in Oklahoma is an inspiration and reaffirms the belief that we live in a great community! What's next?
Our work helping those impacted with the rebuilding process is ongoing. Debris management will be ongoing. We are working on getting collection locations developed so we can start consolidating the housing debris and vegetative debris throughout the affected area. At this time the debris should be sorted into the five categories of; appliances, construction debris, vegetative, hazardous waste, and electronics then placed at the edge of your property where public crews can access it from the road. We will not be able to come on private property so it needs to be as close to, without blocking or hindering traffic, the edge of the street or road as possible.
If you would like to volunteer please contact 940-612-5323, our VOAD management team, and let them know what you can do or bring and your availability. If you would like to donate cash, which is what is most needed at this time, please contact or go to 1st United Bank in Gainesville at Broadway and Dixon Streets. Let them know you want to donate to the VOAD/Disaster account. All monies will be allocated to this recovery effort in Cooke County.
Individual Volunteer Form Group Volunteer Form
(Print the right form, complete it, and bring it to the volunteer site at 101 S Lee St, Valley View, Texas. Bring your Driver license so that intake can make a copy of it with your form. There are no plans for online submission of volunteer forms right now.)
If you need assistance as a result of this event please contact the VOAD at the same number, 940-612-5323 with your need. One part of what they do is connect those who want to help with those that need help.
Register with FEMA at 1-800-621-3362 or log in to for assistance. FEMA representatives are already out and about in the impacted area visiting with residents. If you haven't already please go to to document your damage.
Ray Fletcher
Cooke County Emergency Manager